Lib-DVM - detailed design (contents) Part 1(1-7) Part 2 (8-11) Part 3 (12)
Error messages
Error messages
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document date: february, 2001 - last edited 03.05.01 -

12.16 Allocating and freeing memory

*** RTS err 200.000: no memory
(calloc parameters:
n = <allocated elements count>;
size = <element size>)

Allocation memory failure by calloc function.

*** RTS err 200.001: invalid calloc parameters
(n = <allocated elements count>;
size = <element size>)

Wrong allocation memory parameters in calloc function.

*** RTS err 200.002: no memory
(calloc parameters:
n = <allocated elements count>;
size = <element size>;
allocate counter = <count of earlier allocated memory blocks>;
allocate memory = <total size of allocated memory>)

Allocation memory failure by calloc function.

*** RTS err 200.003: no memory
(malloc parameter n = <allocated memory bytes count>)

Allocation memory failure by malloc function.

*** RTS err 200.004: invalid malloc parameter
(n = <allocated memory bytes count>)

Wrong allocation memory parameter in malloc function.

*** RTS err 200.005: no memory
(malloc parameters:
n = <allocated memory bytes count>;
allocate counter = <count of earlier allocated memory blocks>;
allocate memory = <total size of allocated memory>)

Failure of memory request by malloc function.

*** RTS err 200.006: no memory
(realloc parameters:
ptr = <value of the redefined memory pointer>;
size = <required size of memory>)

Memory request failure by realloc function.

*** RTS err 200.007: invalid realloc parameters
(ptr = <value of the redefined memory pointer>;
size = <required size of memory>)

Wrong parameters of memory request by realloc function.

*** RTS err 200.008: no memory
(realloc parameters:
ptr = <value of the redefined memory pointer>;
size = <required size of memory>;
allocate counter = <a number of earlier allocated memory blocks>;
allocate memory = <total size of allocated memory>)

Memory request failure by realloc function.

12.17 Message passing

*** RTS err 210.000: mps_Send rc = <return code>

Failure of Run-Time System function mps_Send (synchronous sending).

*** RTS err 210.001: mps_Recv rc = <return code>

Failure of Run-Time System function mps_Recv (synchronous receiving).

*** RTS err 210.002: mps_Sendnowait rc = <return code>

Failure of Run-Time System function mps_Sendnowait (sending in "NO-WAIT" mode).

*** RTS err 210.003: mps_Recvnowait rc = <return code>

Failure of Run-Time System function mps_Recvnowait (receiving in "NO-WAIT" mode).

*** RTS err 210.004: mps_SendA rc = <return code>

Failure of Run-Time System function mps_SendA (asynchronous sending).

*** RTS err 210.005: mps_RecvA rc = <return code>

Failure of Run-Time System function mps_RecvA (synchronous receiving).

*** RTS err 212.000: pvm_send rc = <return code>

Failure of PVM function pvm_send.

*** RTS err 212.001: pvm_recv rc = <return code>

Failure of PVM function pvm_recv.

*** RTS err 212.002: pvm_send rc = <return code>

Failure of PVM function pvm_send.

*** RTS warning 212.003: pvm_send rc = <return code>

Failure of PVM function pvm_send with the following repetition.

*** RTS warning 213.000: gns_senda rc = <return code>

Failure of GNS function gns_senda with the following repetition.

*** RTS err 213.001: gns_sendnw rc = <return code>

Failure of GNS function gns_sendnw when executing broadcasting sending.

*** RTS err 213.002: gns_sendnw rc = <return code>

Failure of GNS function gns_sendnw when executing barrier synchronization.

*** RTS err 214.000: r_read rc = <return code>

Failure of ROUTER function r_read.

*** RTS err 214.001: r_write rc = <return code>

Failure of ROUTER function r_write.

*** RTS fatal err 214.002: function gns_senda does not exist

Call of gns_senda function, not supported when working with ROUTER.

*** RTS fatal err 214.003: function gns_receivea does not exist

Call of gns_receivea function, not supported when working with ROUTER.

*** RTS err 219.000: wrong call rtl_BroadCast
(the processor system is not a DVM object;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)

The object specified in the function call as processor system is not DVM-object.

*** RTS err 219.001: wrong call rtl_BroadCast
(the object is not a processor system;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system>)

The object specified in the function call as a processor system is not actually a processor system.

*** RTS err 219.002: wrong call rtl_BroadCast
(the given PS is not a subsystem of the current PS;
PSRef = <reference to the processor system passed to the function>;
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)

Processor system, specified in the function call, is not the current processor system or its direct or indirect subsystem.

*** RTS err 219.003: wrong call rtl_BroadCast
(the given processor is not a member of the current PS;
SenderProcNum = <internal processor number passed to the function>;
CurrentPSRef = <reference to the current processor system>)

Processor system, passed to the function, doesn't belong to the current processor system.

*** RTS err 219.010: wrong call acsend_
(the object is not a parallel loop;
LoopRef = <reference to the parallel loop>)

The object specified in the function call as a parallel loop is not actually a parallel loop.

*** RTS err 219.011: wrong call acsend_
(the current context is not the parallel loop;
LoopRef = <reference to the parallel loop>)

A program doesn't execute a parallel loop or executes the loop, which reference doesn't coincide with the reference in the function call.

*** RTS err 219.012: wrong call acsend_
(the parallel loop has not been mapped;
LoopRef = <reference to the parallel loop>)

Parallel loop, passed to the function, is not mapped.

*** RTS err 219.015: wrong call acsend_
(invalid element type <type of elements of passed array specified in the function call>)

Wrong type of elements of passed array is specified in the function call.

*** RTS err 219.016: wrong call acsend_
(invalid element number <number of elements of passed array, specified in the function call>)

Wrong (£ 0) number of elements of passed array is specified in the function call.

*** RTS err 219.017: wrong call acsend_
(all dimensions of the the parallel loop are replicated;
LoopRef = <reference to the parallel loop>)

All dimensions of parallel loop passed to the function are replicated (at least one dimension must be distributed).

*** RTS err 219.020: wrong call acrecv_
(the object is not a parallel loop;
LoopRef = <reference to the parallel loop>)

The object specified in the function call as a parallel loop is not actually a parallel loop.

*** RTS err 219.021: wrong call acrecv_
(the current context is not the parallel loop;
LoopRef = <reference to the parallel loop>)

A program doesn't execute a parallel loop or executes the loop, which reference doesn't coincide with the reference in the function call.

*** RTS err 219.022: wrong call acrecv_
(the parallel loop has not been mapped;
LoopRef = <reference to the parallel loop>)

Parallel loop, passed to the function, is not mapped.

*** RTS err 219.025: wrong call acrecv_
(invalid element type <type of elements of passed array specified in the function call>)

Wrong type of elements of passed array is specified in the function call.

*** RTS err 219.026: wrong call acrecv_
(invalid element number <number of elements of passed array, specified in the function call>)

Wrong (£ 0) number of elements of passed array is specified in the function call.

*** RTS err 219.027: wrong call acrecv_
(all dimensions of the the parallel loop are replicated;
LoopRef = <reference to the parallel loop>)

All dimensions of parallel loop passed to the function are replicated (at least one dimension must be distributed).

12.18 Tools of internal self-checking

*** RTS fatal err 220.000: DVM Object Count =
MaxDVMObjectCount(<maximal possible number of DVM-objects>)

A number of created DVM-objects achieved its maximal value.

*** RTS fatal err 220.001: invalid ArrayHeader
(the array is not a DVM object;
ArrayHeader[0] = <value of 0-th word of array header>)

The object identified by Run-Time System, as distributed array is not DVM-object.

*** RTS err 230.000: wrong boundary
addr = <memory block pointer>
boundary code = <filling byte of control part of block memory>
left boundary = <bytes of left control part of block memory>
right boundary = <bytes of right control part of block memory>

Updating bytes of left or right control part of block memory.

*** RTS err 230.001: alloc buffer is full
allocate counter = <number of allocated memory blocks>
allocate memory = <allocated memory size>

Overflow of buffer of information keeping about allocated memory blocks.

*** RTS err 230.002: invalid alloc ptr = <pointer value>

Wrong value of memory block pointer after memory allocation or reallocation (when information about request is kept in the buffer).

*** RTS err 230.003: invalid free ptr = <pointer value>

Wrong value of memory block pointer when block is freed.

*** RTS err 230.004: invalid ptr
ptr = <value of memory area pointer>
length = <memory area size>

Wrong value of memory block pointer when it is checked in built-in Run-Time System checkpoints.

*** RTS fatal err 240.000: wrong trace level

Enclosure level of traced events is more than maximal possible one.

*** RTS fatal err 240.001: trace string length > <maximal possible length of trace record>

A size of trace line (record) is more than maximal possible value.

*** RTS err 250.000: invalid CheckSum
dvm_CheckSum = <reference checksum>
new_CheckSum = <changed checksum>

Changing checksum specified in parameter file of memory area.

*** RTS err 250.001: invalid code CheckSum
dvm_CodeCheckSum = <reference checksum of code memory>
new_CodeCheckSum = <changed checksum of code memory>

Changing check sum of the code memory of Run-Time System and user program.

Lib-DVM - detailed design (contents) Part 1(1-7) Part 2 (8-11) Part 3 (12)
Error messages
Error messages
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